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Concept Test

"Introducing Your Perfect Burger to suit your taste. The "Perfect Burger" can now be customised: you can select the type of buns, meat, vegetable and variety of sauces. We ensure the great quality of all ingredients where we use our unique and original recipe. You can now have your burgers that always taste the best for you.”






The concept was evaluated through a qualitative and a quantitative approach. We received positive feedback on the concept where we have measured our concept in 4 aspects:

                1. Appeal/ Attractiveness of the concept - This determines whether the concept is appealing to consumers.

                2. Uniqueness - This determines whether consumers perceived the concept to be different or not in the mind of

                                           consumers in  the current market context.

                3. Relevancy - This indicates whether the concept is relevant to their needs/wants.

                4. Persuasion to try - This determines by the level of willingness to try the products





















Concept Test

 (what we discovered)

The level of uniqueness is quite positive.

The concept of customization is seen as new in the market.

There is no place where the burgers are fully customized. Nevertheless, it is not highly innovative in the market as they feel that to the certain extent, burgers can be customized.

Some fast food restaurants i.e. Gourmet Burger Restaurants also provides selections of sauces for customers. Hence, this dilutes the uniqueness of the concept to certain extent.

We have quite positive responses from our respondents. The concept is seen appealing as they feel that there is not any burger place in the market that offers such service.

Persuasion to try

The willingness to try the product is moderate. Consumers are willing to try due to the idea of personalization.

However, there is some concern over the longer time of preparation. In addition to this, quality of the ingredients also plays an important role to motivate them to try out the products.

Consumers feel that from time to time they would like to have more choices and alternations for their menus.  Occasionally, they would like to customize their own food i.e. no mayonnaise, pickles, extra cheese etc. Hence, this is quite relevant to the majority.


Implication from research analysis
Consumers are open to the idea of customization of burgers. The concept generates positive responses to majority.

There is an opportunity for us to explore this area. However, it is worth noting that, there are some precautions that we have to be tackled with in our strategy

1. Customization needs to be explicitly communicated and differentiated from other competitors. To certain extent, people feel that they can customize burgers in regular burger places. Hence, it is important for us to emphasize and communicate about our point of differentiation.

2. Time constraints – There is concern about the time spent in preparation the customized burger. Even though consumers are keen on the customization but the longer process can neutralize the appealing of the concept. Hence, there needs to be assurance for the quick service that we will provide for our customers.

3. Services are not expected to be part of offered in the context of fast food where consumers are highly place importance towards.

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